
Below are some links to sites that can help you create new content. Each has its own benefits, but you can choose whatever tool to help you accomplish your task.

1. Glogster – In short, Glogster lets you create interactive web “posters” that can incorporate text, images, video, and audio. If you like visual design, then this is a good tool to use. Do note that you need an account in order to save your projects.

2. Prezi – Prezi is a non-linar presentation tool that has more creative power than PowerPoint. Prezi allows you to represent ideas in three dimensions rather than linear thought lines. Prezi is a good tool if you like to show how many different ideas can all be linked to one or two core concepts. You do need an account to create and save presentations.

3. Xtranormal – The tagline says it all: “If you can type, you can make movies.” Xtranormal lets you choose from many different characters and scenes while adding dialogue in conversational form. If you like narrative and storytelling, this is a good site to use. You can make a video without an account, but to render (produce) and save, you do need an account.

4. Weebly – This is for your inner web designer. Weebly allows you to create a free website without needing to know coding or HTML formatting. Very easy to set up and use for a variety of tasks. You need an account to save the website and share a published URL.

5. Jing – Do you want to make a screen recording to teach or demonstrate something? You have a program on your netbook already called Jing that will allow you to capture whatever is on your screen. You can talk over top to explain and then save it into a video we can put on YouTube.

6. Screencast-o-matic – Another easy way to make free screen recordings is to use Follow the on-screen prompts to record your screencast and then export into a shareable file. 15 minute limit in the free version, no editing capabilities unless you pay for a premium account.

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